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Get the facts - before they change

Audio RecorderWhen an employee is injured on the job, time is of the essence. Not only does the insurer have a limited amount of time to review a claim and make a decision, but "facts" surrounding the injury can have a way of changing as time goes by. The best way to keep your information consistent and reliable is to investigate - and investigate early.

At Passanisi Investigations, our investigators are experienced in conducting AOE/COE investigations. Taking all possible steps to reduce your liability should include:

  • Obtaining statements from the injured worker, supervisor(s), and any witnesses or other involved parties.
  • Obtaining photos, diagrams, and other documentation of the accident site and circumstances.
  • Obtaining medical records, personnel records, police reports, and other pertinent documents.
  • Investigating the potential involvement of subrogation, apportionment, negligence, and other factors.
  • Checking the applicant for previously disputed claims and civil or criminal court records.


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